How to authenticate your Vintage Levi's

Authenticity is everything. The oldest pair of jeans created by Levi Strauss & Co was patented in 1873 and is by far, the most popular name in the clothing industry. In today's quick turnaround lifestyle, cheaper alternatives of this expensive brand are sold. Our guide will help you to recognise the difference between real and fake Levi's denim jeans. 

👖Red Tab👖

It's their trademark, that little red tab at the back of the jeans are very distinct. No other brand comes close to being so identifiable and original. Look out for clean stitching. Contrary to popular belief, not all Levi's have the red tab as they can be green, orange, silver, white or black. However, the Original 501's will always don a red tab. Jeans manufactured prior to 1971 read 'LEVI'S' rather than 'Levi's' so if your jeans have the tab in capitals then they are prior to 1971! They are just as legit but rare. The tab should also be stitched 1-1 ¾ below the top of the left side stitching at the back right pocket.

👖Inner Label👖

Most jeans will have an inner white label, please note this might be cut if they are vintage as they tend to irritate people that may have cut them off! The measurement and size code will be on this label if present.


The detailing on the buttons are again, important. Authentic Levi's will always have the style number embossed on the back of the button which is a 3 or 4 digit number. If the jeans have a button as opposed to a zip, then the stamping will only be visible on the back of the top button.


Some but not all Levi's jeans have an ink stamp or marking on the inner pocket.


All rivets will be embossed with LFSF (Levi's Strauss San Francisco) on the back of each rivet. It's a small but important detail. Each pair of Levi's denim should have 6 rivets on the front of the jeans; 4 around the right pocket and 2 on the left. There should not be rivets on the back pockets or near the crotch. Back rivets were replaced by extra stitching in the 1940's to cut usage of metal in support of the war.

👖Rear Patch👖

Another distinguishable detail from Levi's is their back leather patch. Look out for printing detail which is off centre or contains spelling mistakes. The leather/jacron paper patch will have a slightly worn feel to it being vintage. 
.                REAL                                               FAKE


Levi's are known for their durable and sturdy construction. Known for creating ever lasting denim. Check all stitching and feeling of material so ensure they are of the highest quality.

👖Made in👖

Originally Levi's jeans were made in San Francisco, USA but have also been manufactured in Thailand, Bangladesh, Turkey, China, Mexico and Pakistan. You can check the Levi's website to see their regions of manufacturing.
So, think you are ready to identify your jeans?! The above simple tips will help you recognize a fake but shouldn't be taken as concrete due to vintage, short run or collaboration styles which can cause variation in design. However these are great markers to help you ensure you are buying the real deal.
Not only do we order from reputable Levi's 501 suppliers, at GPS Vintage we check every single pair by hand when we purchase and again when we put them online. We use a stringent method of the markers above and more to ensure we are offering the OG of denim every single time. We have been dealing with Levi's (specifically the original Levi's 501) for many years now so we know exactly what to look for. They are checked on delivery arrival, during washing, ironing and photographing so there's no way an imposter pair can get past us!